Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Great Theoretical Physicist - ECG Sudarshan

Today is the birthday of one of India’s greatest theoretical physicist - ECG Sudarshan - the man who proved Einstein wrong !!

Fondly known as ECG, his every heartbeat was for his love for physics.

Born in Kerala, he went on to the University of Texas, but his love for India continued. He was a visiting faculty in Indian colleges & loved igniting the spark of curiosity & knowledge in young minds.

He was a Vedantin & loved Carnatic music. In fact, you could see him in traditional clothes on many occasions.

Einstein said that nothing could travel faster than light, but ECG discovered tachyons, which could move faster

He was nominated for the Nobel a record 9 times but never won. In fact, people have won based on his research but he was ignored.

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