Friday, August 21, 2009

Video Biographies-1: "Tony Robbins Biography"

Listening to the 5-part biography of Anthony Robbins was a wonderful and inspiring experience. It made me so happy and I found myself shouting, jumping and dancing like a child while listening. The whole day I was full of energy and enthusiasm and was doing things which I have been postponing for long. It had a tonic effect on me.

I am already an admirer of Tony Robbins having read some of his great books like 'Unlimited Power' and 'Notes from a Friend' and have actually benefited by them.

People listen to his talks and attend his workshops with great interest. This personal development guru, behaviorist and highly successful writer of many best-sellers, who has popularized NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), is really a great and inspiring person.

I thought I should share this interesting video with others. Hence I am embedding this in my blog and hope whoever visits my blog, plays the video and listens to the presentation and benefit by it.

To learn more about Tony Robbins, a detailed article on him from Wikipedia:

I am grateful to Anthony Robbins,, YouTube and Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.

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